This is a fanfiction page. Wanna send in some fanfics?
Neomail my user, shadow_eevee. Don't have Neopets? Suscribe today!! :D
Click on the link to Neopets and sign up!
Rules Of the Contest:
1: No sexual stuffs ><
2: Don't write anything pointless.
3: No Cursing.
4: Have fun!!
Catogories (did i spell dat right? >_____o;)
Kissing/Dating/Hugging etc. ish acceptable
but nu
sexualality. Okie? Otherwise I won't post it. 'Kay?!
Fighting ish okie, but I dun want ya tah go too far. I think
yuu knu what I mean. Nu blood. Slight bleeding ish okie, but
we dun want the details, Now do we Rai?
Rai: Nu. . . -._-.
w00t! I luff comedy!! :D Yuu can do whatever ya want on this.
Exept for sex. -_-; It can be pointless, but it has to
be funny.
Here ish a bad example:
Lady: w00t111! wtf!!111!yay
dskfjaisd: 1 1uv p0tat035 d00k13
Jya. Dun make it that pointless.
Ooh. Mystery ish a good one. Jya!! Make it as scary as ya want. Like a
murdery :D