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Harvest Moon-A Wonderful Life

Characters and their Crushes

Jack (I call him Trevor)

He is the main character of this game, you control him and make him do whatever you want.

Crush: Optional :P



Takakura is your partner in your farm. He takes your produce from the shipping bin, breeds your animals, and gives you tips on things from farming to animal tending. Also you should befriend this guy because he gives your tar tan! The legendary hybrid plant! Well maybe not legendary.

Crush: Um..none..



She is a eligible lady in this game. Her family funs a farm across the stream and this is the place where you can buy seeds. Celia is a very nice and passionate person. She likes to see crops (preferably good quality kinds) you're grown, flowers, eggs, coins, and moon ores.

Crush: Optional. Technicly it would be Marlin..




Nami is a red haired person and is usually the quiet one. She is really smart when it comes to archeology. She likes to look at fossils you've found, fall flowers, clay objects, home cooked meals, and she can be found in the inn and most of the time she's around walking somewhere.

Crush: Optional. Technicly it would be Gustafa..



Muffy is the kind of city girl. She's not brilliant when it comes to farming but probably when it comes to cooking. Seeing how see lives and works at the Blue Bar she likes to see Gold Coins, Flowers, moon ores, winter flowers, anything you've made, big hucheps and animals.

Crush: Optional. Technicly it would be Rock..



Even though it may sound like a guy character, in fact its actually a girl. Wally is her husband and usually wanders around the town. She's also the one that wears glasses.

Crush: Dude, shes married.



The town hobo, he's usually useless to you. Theres one event where he sneaks into your refrigerator out in the tower and steals a piece of food. He also has flies around him.

Crush: .........


He's the old man living with Nina across from the Blue Bar. He's usually the quiet type and is really depressed when Nina dies at the end of Chapter one. He doesn't even speak for a whole year o_O He likes fish. Also this guy can give you a fishing rod. He and Nina are married.

Crush: Dude, hes married.



Nina?? From SNES? Can it be?? Well it seems like it, if you compare the old Nina in SNES to this one, they have he same hair stle. Well she unfortunately dies in year 1, be nice to her! She's really sweet.

Crush: Dude, shes married.



He is the Indian that wanders around the shallow pond by the beach. As big and buff as he looks, he's really nice at heart. He likes to receive flowers.

Crush: None



Patrick is one of the carpenters, he is really nice and when you enter their tree house when they're in, you can play games with him.

Crush: None, i think.



This is Patricks twin brother, you can basically do the same thing with him as Patrick. You can play games with this fellow as well :)

Crush: Well in winter he does talk about being in a hottub wif a cute girl like Muffy O_O



She lives with Carter in the tent by the waterfall. Daryl likes her but she doesn't know that, you can find her sometimes in town or in the mines.

Crush: I sorta have a feeling that she likes Carter o_O



She is the granddaughter of Romana, she's a small brown haired girl. Very sweet and plays the piano.

Crush: Jack/Trevor. To bad you cant marry her.. :'( she's really sweet but too young. I think you can secretly marry her after two years when she's taller and cuts her hair.



She's the old lady in the mansion. She wears glasses and carries a cane. She likes to receive flowers. She gives you a cat by Chapter 2 of Fall. 

Crush: I dunno. Sebastian? o_o



Sabastian is the butler of the mansion. He is friends with Romana. Really nice fellow :3




She's the big lady at Celia's farm. You can buy seeds and fertilizer form her. At first I thought she was a guy o_O

Crush: It may seem like she likes Marlin but she doesn't--they're

siblings o_O



She is the lady in the Inn. She's really nice, you can totally tell when she bows to you.

Crush: Dude, she's married.



Ruby's husband. He doesn't really do much though, you can find him at the entrance of the Inn.

Crush: Dude, he's married.



Van is a different version of the Peddler from SNES. You can sell items to him that you wouldn't normally be able to ship in your farm. If you have anything that's golden such as a golden egg. Haggle with him! To do this show him an item, then when he says something like "Are you sure you want to sell this for 300G?" Say no, then he'll go a bit higher. Van sells you items such as a fishing rod, boodigizer, toys, etc.

Crush: None



He is a blond haired kid, he's the son of Wally.

Crush: It could be Kate or Lumina.



She is the daughter of Samantha, she is sometimes rebellious.

Crush: Jack/Trevor's son.




The mother of Kate and the wife of Grant. She just wanders around town. She moves in in chapter 2 between Nina's home and Wally's.

Crush: Dude, she's married.



Samantha's husband. He has a job running a supermarket somewhere...

Crush: Dude, hes married.


He claims to be a "spirit" of the forest but looks like a normal person. There is an event with him when you enter the Inn, you have a milk drinking contest with him.

Crush: Muffy & Lumina



He is the mine runner in this game. You can talk to him when he is in the mine and he will give you a shovel. If you find Tablets, save them up until you have 5-6 and be good friends with him. In exchange for the tablets and his friendship he will give you a Chihuahua which you can barely see.

Crush: Possibly Flora since they practicly live together... o_0



He's the dad of Hugh, he likes to exercise.

Crush: Dude, he's married.



He is the Blue Bar owner, talk to him from time and time. He also sells you drinks.

Crush: None.



He is the character that wears almost all green. He carries around a guitar and if you follow him he might just sit down and start playing some music. Go to his house around 8 during the winter to see the Starry Nigh festival.

Crush: Uh, Nami..



Vesta and Marlin live

together and you can buy seeds from him. At first he disapproves of you but if you become friend with him, he is really a nice guy.

Crush: Weird as it sounds, it's Celia! o_0



Daryl is "The Mad Scientist" he lives in the laboratory and is also the man with the really really funky hair style. Befriend with this fellow and you will get the seed maker for free! Sometimes he comes to your farm to look at your cows. If you exit a building one day when he's atching them an event might happen.

Crush: Flora o_0


Dr. Hardy

He's the doctor of the town. At first I thought he was scary, mainly because he wears an eye-patch, is bald, and wears vertical-striped shorts w/ a Doctors jacket. He is really cool actually and takes care of everyone.

Crush: One of the old ladies..possibly..



Not much to say about them except that this fellow is a sprite. You can get to them by eating the strange mushroom by the big tree.

Crush: Do Harvest Sprites have crushes? o_0



Nics brother I guess, not much to say here.

Crush: Do Harvest Sprites have crushes? o_0



Not much to say here either. They're all sprites and they live together.

Crush: Do Harvest Sprites have crushes? o_0


Tar Tan

Tar Tan is a hybrid maker plant! He has two heads and lives in Takakura's house. You can get him during the second chapter of either summer to winter. Be friend Takakura and enter his house at night when he's in. Tar Tan likes to talk a lot and before you can get him to make hybrids for you, you need o talk to him a lot.

 Crush: Dude, he's a plant.


(Intro coming a lot later)


NOTE: I did not write these summerys ^_^; Therefore, i am lazy :p


Okie, I really didn't want to add crushes, but it makes it more interesting :P If I find some AWL pics i'll paste'm on here :P


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