Omg Ban Fight!!
Um...yes, you heard me. A ban fight. Heehee.
I've been thinking about doing something unique for my site...Something
just straight out of my mind
so my site can lighten up. Yes, this banning thing
is copyrighted (c) to Cherryclo, so hands off! >3
Here's the intructionzzz...mixed the carefully....pleazze...
1. Welcome! This is the Ban Fight, yes, you heard me (Hopefully!!). Now, do you really hate someone..? Or do you just want revenge..? Or are you just bored..? Under
any circumstances, this is the place you get to be filled
up with fear, anger, triumph, etc. and you get to actually ban people from this here drawingboard!
2. The point is to ban other people, including me, Hoshi!
If you get banned, type in: (^0^;)/~~~~
(Note: The anime smiley is holding a WHITE flag)
Then, you post on the MB who you got banned by. Whoever banned the most people by the end of
the week wins!!!
3. The admin pass is: ban
If you want
to be a helpless passerby (Note: which means that you CANNOT ban people), the pass is: junky
4. Please DO
NOT delete the MB posts unless you have
my permission.
5. If you want, you can have a team that consists FOUR
people. When you post in the MB, Say your name, and your team.
EXAMPLE: Name of post: Ultra Special Blah Blah Blah
Name (OPTIONAL): Hoshi (Team Neko)
Email (OPTIONAL): Hoshi (Team Neko)
Known Teams: Team Neko (Hoshi, Sango, Sakuryu)
Unknown Teams: Hey, how should I know?
Omg Ban Fight Created: Teh April Fool's Day of 2006
Please have
fun and follow the rules! ^0^