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Haiya! Welcome to the Chao Breeding Co!




Posted by: Hoshi Neko (Sep. 28) Mood: Sleepy --.-- zZ

My other site isn't working on the site builder thing, so I have more time to work on this site, lol. Well, things are moving on slowly..STUPID COMPUTER O.o! I really don't know what to write..Bai.


Posted by: Hoshi Neko (Sep. 12) Mood: Overwhelemed @_@

Aaagh!! I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry!!! >___< I suck at updating!! I'm kinda busy wif other things like playing video games and stuff...Okie, okie. I guess I'm just lazy. I'm really sorry that I'm such a forgetful idiot. But anyways, school ish going okay, and i'm doing great. My leg ish almost completely better, (I had a bad case of poison ivy) and the homework ish so easy! Yay! ^_^ Well, ttfn!


Posted by: Hoshi Neko (Aug. 16) Mood: Content o.--

The first day was great...X3 But everythings different and I got confused >.< But anyways.. I hope your first day was/will be great!! See yawz! 



Posted by: Hoshi Neko (Aug. 15) Mood: Happy/Anxious ^.~

Haiya! Welcome To The Chao Breeding Co.! I'm the Head-Misstress of this place, Hoshi Neko! And I gladly welcome you ! :D Well, thanx for coming!! Unfortunatly I have school tomorrow ;0; But, I'll beh able to update regularly...Oh, I shoulda gave you what you have come here for @_@; So, hopefully I can get Chao pics up 'n' Stuff >>; So Again, Thanx for comin'!! :D





All Chao fans Welcome!!

I do not own Chao. This is ONLY a fansite.