Chao Breeding Co. Generator

Weekly Chao Stuff
Chao Picture Gallery
Hall of Fame
What Is a Chao?
Drawing Board
Drawing Board

Welcome To the Generator!!
the password ish: chao
#1: No Cursing. Ya know what I mean?!
#2: No cybers3x. Plz.
#3: Draw Appropietly, Plz.
#4: Don't argue over long periods of time.
#5: Do not erase someone else's pic unless they say it's okie.
#6: No spamming.
#7: Have Fun!! X3
If these rules are broken more then three times, we'll hang you. Have a nice day!


Click here to go to the main groupboard page.

(please excuse the mess) o.o;

This lot is for a Drawing Board ^^
What is a Drawing Board???
A: It's a place for anyone to chat, draw, play games, and write messages. You can even whisper secrets ^o^
Q: Oh, cool! But how do I whisper?
A: It's simple: Click on the screen name of the person you want to talk to. When it's highlighted, type in something on the white bar ^^
Spiffy, Eh?